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Improving Cadres' Ability to Protect Women's Rights

Posting time:2024-06-03 18:55:51

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Improving Cadres' Ability to Protect Women's Rights

 July 1, 2023

Improving Cadres' Ability to Protect Women's Rights


Hangzhou Women's Federation recently provided training, to help cadres with women's federations, at all levels in Hangzhou, improve their ability to help women and children protect their rights and interests. The event was held in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang Province.

Organizers invited legal experts to provide lectures, to explain how the trainees could better help women and children protect their legal rights and interests. Organizers also arranged for the trainees to visit a marriage and family mediation studio (in Hangzhou), to learn from the experiences of the studio's workers in helping residents resolve family disputes.

In addition, organizers held a seminar, during which cadres with the women's federations, at various levels in Hangzhou, shared their experiences in helping residents protect their rights and interests. The cadres also outlined their work plans, for the next several months, to promote the campaign to encourage residents to build peaceful families.

Many trainees said they benefited greatly from the training. They vowed to make greater efforts to help women and children better protect their rights and interests.


(Women of China English Monthly June 2023 issue) 


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