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Kristen Faulkner bounces back from time trial disappointment to win US cycling road race title

Posting time:2024-06-03 19:18:31

Kristen Faulkner rebounded from a second-place finish in the U.S. time trial championships, which cost her a spot on the American cycling team for the Paris Olympics, by dropping Ruth Edwards along with everyone else and rolling uncontested to the finish line to win the national road racing title on Sunday.

Faulkner finished 55 seconds ahead of Edwards, a former national champion, to win the stars-and-stripes jersey for the first time. Coryn Labecki outsprinted Lauren Stephens and Lauren de Crescenzo to round out the podium.

“I do one race at a time and really try to focus on it,” said Faulkner, who watched the automatic nomination for the Summer Games go to Taylor Knibb, who beat her by 11 seconds over a 42-minute ride to win the time trial title Wednesday. “Maybe in the big picture I knew I was coming to nationals this year, but it wasn’t something I really honed in on.”

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